Mark Jäger

I create digital businesses

since 1999. Apps, Bots, Shops, platforms or SaaS. Starting as a software engineer, designer, product manager, strategist and founder. My sweetspot is bringing digital products to live from 0 to 1, from idea to market.


How I work

  1. Bringing clarity as a consultant
  2. Using simple, effective tools and frameworks, I bring clarity to strategy, concept and planning. With a fresh perspective from the outside.

  3. Get things done as a project lead
  4. As the digital expert I help teams get to results fast, test and iterate until we succeed. In the trenches of product design, user and market testing, product management and bringing in the necessary talent.

  5. Pass skills on as a coach
  6. My goal is always to have a sustainable impact on your organisation by coaching your subject matter experts to become brilliant digital product managers by teaching effective tools, frameworks, principles and technical knowhow.

What I am offering is

  • Strategy: through market research, customer testing, workshops with you and your experts and customers I create and communicate clear, testable product level strategies
  • Product Design: for strategies that have tested market potential, create concepts, user interfaces and prototypes together with your experts, and test them with users and customers
  • Product management: I bring in and align talent on implementing the smallest version that can solve actual problems, test it with real users and iterate strategy, concept and design based on real-life feedback. We iterate until strategy, product, users and customers are aligned and launch.

How we get the ball rolling

The best way to understand the value I can bring to your company is to let me bring clarity to your ideas in a one day Product Map Workshop: in the shortest possible time, we will be able to see whole picture, the biggest challenges and areas where more clarity is needed and what steps need to be taken next. The format has proven valuable for over a hundred companies I worked with.

How it works

Benefit from 25 years of experience

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